Thursday, February 23, 2012

I could have been anywhere

Attended a gathering at another compound last night. This particular compound is right next to ours and is called 'Arabian Homes'. I thought our compound was nice until I saw this one... wow.

When I got there and started strolling around, there were folks lounging around in the grass on their blankets, kids running, skating, and biking everywhere and in general, people having a great time. This could have been anywhere in the States, so it was rather surreal to think I was in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

There were a couple grills going where they were serving up American steaks, salad and rice. Needless to say, I had myself some American grilled steak!

My co-worker Steve and his band were the entertainment for the evening. He plays in the 'No Name Band' and they have done gigs in country for years. They are quite good, they have a good time playing and the crowd loved their tunes. They have quite a reach for a small band. Classic rock, to the Stones, to just about everything in between and to top that, they do three complete sets that with the two small breaks they take, lasts three hours! Now THAT is a working man's band to be sure.

Steve's wife, Rosita, has the energy of ten people. I don't think she left the dance floor the entire evening other than to run around and take pictures. As for me, I enjoyed strolling around the edge of the grounds, people watching, enjoying the tunes and the weather. Here is Rosita taking pictures of the event.

 I met people from France, England, Saudi and Nicaragua. Not bad for one evening. My unofficial 'host' for the evening was an architect from Nicaragua. I am so sorry I cannot remember his name (met way too many people) but here we are with his little girl in hand. It seems everyone is multi-lingual except me!

All in all, a great time. Pleasant. That word keeps coming up a lot to describe things here. Just pleasant.

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